Green Forum - 9/13/2014

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Name: Green Forum - 9/13/2014
Date: September 13, 2014
Time: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

F O R U M   S P O N S O R S

......................PLATINUM SPONSOR..................

..........................GOLD SPONSORS.......................

........................SILVER SPONSOR........................


............................BRONZE SPONSOR......................


Event Media:
The Shorebreak Hotel
500 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Date/Time Information:
8:00AM -10:00AM
Contact Information:
Phoenix Freeman
Platinum Sponsor - table of 10, prime location next to stage, 5 min. speaking opportunity, 6ft table with tablecloth for promotional materials, prominent recognition, on pre-event pier and street banners, day of event signage, pre-event community advertising, full page ad in Pier Review, online recognition, discount on Green Expo booth...............................................$4,000

Gold Sponsor - included 6 tickets, prime location, 6 ft table with tablecloth for promotional materials, pre-event pier banner, day of event signage, pre-event community advertising, 1/2 page ad in Pier Review, online recognition, discount on Green Expo booth....................................................$2,000

Silver Sponsor - includes 4 tickets, prime location, 6ft table with tablecloth for promotional materials, day of event signage, pre-event community advertising, 1/3 page ad in Pier Review, online recognition, discount on Green Expo booth...................................................$1,000

Bronze Sponsor - includes 2 tickets, 6 ft table with tablecloth for promotional materials, day of event signage, 1/6 page ad in Pier Review, online recognition, discount on Green Expo booth...........................................$500

Ticket (per person)..............................$30

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